Thursday, 6 January 2022

How to recover post Abortion?

An unexpected or unplanned pregnancy can be stressful and mentally torturing. In such a condition, an abortion is the only way out. Most of you may suffer from various types of misconceptions about abortions, health risks and possible side effects of abortion. According to the best abortion clinic near me, if the abortion is attempted using the right technique and procedure, it is completely safe and healthy. 

the three main methods are only used to medically terminate your pregnancy, depending on the stage of pregnancy you are in:

  • Vacuum Aspiration

  • The Abortion Pill

  • Dilation and Evacuation

  • Labour Induction

The type of procedure to be implemented depends on several factors like stage of pregnancy, patient's health conditions, medical history etc.

Whatever the method may be Abortions can be stressful and may impact your physical and emotional well being to a great extent.

In this blog, we are going to share some insightful tips which you can follow to recover post a medical abortion:

  1. Self Care

Self-care is the first step, to healing after an abortion. In this stage, you need to care for your body a lot more. You may experience extreme abdominal pain or cramping that requires extreme attention. Use good quality cotton pads, along with heating pads. Try drinking detox drinks or warm fluids to relieve cramping. Do as is advised by your gynaecologist, like avoiding penetrative sex, and tampons that may hurt your vagina.

  1. Self Love

After Self care comes self-love. Self-care may help you to recover physically but self-love is essential for mental healing. At this stage, you need to accept and love your body. Appreciate yourself and your body for who you are. Spend some time in isolation with yourself and do some skincare therapy or listen to your favourite music, or maybe eat your favourite ice cream. This will help you to heal yourself from the mental trauma.

  1. Emotional Support

Emotional support is extremely important to post an abortion. Try to share your feelings with your loved one or people who care for you. Reach out to the ones whom you find most comfortable sharing with. Confide in your partner or your friend and try to gain as much emotional care and support which you can receive from them. Emotional support will give you that needed mental therapy.

  1. Meditation

According to the best abortion clinic near me, Meditation is known to be one of the best ways to heal yourself mentally post an abortion. It will calm your mind, relax your body muscles, and relieve you from the excess amount of stress. It will help you to focus on your goals and to stay optimistic in life.

  1. Eat Healthily

Ever imagined what healthy eating can do to your body? It can do wonders for your health by keeping a track of your body hormone and thyroid levels, thereby enduring your overall fitness. It also helps you to keep stress free. Hence, after a medical abortion healthy eating should become part of your routine or habit. This will help you to regain back overall body strength and normalise your hormone levels.

Hence, you can follow these above-mentioned tips to restore yourself from the trauma of abortion, physically and mentally.

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