Tuesday, 25 January 2022

7 Warning signs associated with Irregular Periods

Are you someone who has been suffering from irregular periods or menstrual cycles for a long time? If you are one of these, then this blog post is meant for you, as we are going to share insightful tips highlighting the major reasons for delayed periods. But before that let us just get a gist of the entire matter.

Irregular periods are never to be taken lightly as these can be an alarming symptom of some serious health concerns that you might be suffering from lately. Irregular periods are never a healthy sign and are your body's way of telling you that something is not fine with your reproductive health. Several case studies have confirmed that females diagnosed with delayed period cycles or irregular menses were found to be suffering from serious health issues like PCOS, PCOD or infertility problems. 

Let us now explore in detail, what these symptoms would mean:

  1. Hormonal Imbalance

One of the major reasons behind irregular menses or periods could be hormonal concerns. Hormonal changes are a common occurrence in the early teen years, fertile phase and during menopause. Hence, it is best to consult the best gynaecologist in south Delhi and get yourself tested at the earliest. Several medication-based treatments can be followed to stabilise the hormonal changes in the body and to regulate the period cycle.

  1. Stress or Depression

Stress and hormonal imbalance are closely related to each other. It is stress or depression that induces a hormonal imbalance in the body which can further result in serious health problems, one of which is an irregular period cycle.

  1. Health Problems

This is another possible cause of irregular period cycles. If you have been facing an irregular period cycle then it is a clear indication that you might be suffering from some health concerns like PCOS, PCOS or even worse conditions than these like fertility problems. 

  1. Medication side effects

Delayed or irregular Periods can also result from the side effects of some strong medications which you might be following up as a course of some other illness. Hence, it is best to seek medical assistance from the best gynaecologist in south Delhi before consuming any such medications.

  1. Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are much more severe than you may consider them to be. These are non-cancerous growths or cysts in the inner lining of uterus walls, which can cause disruption in the functioning of the female organs and disturb the hormonal levels of the body. This will result in delayed or irregular menstrual cycles and requires medical guidance. These can also cause other problems like difficulty in urinating, irritation or burning sensation while urination, painful sex experience etc.

  1. Bladder infection

A bladder infection that can result from the bacterial or fungal growth down there which can further lead to disruptions in the menstrual cycle. Hence, Irregular periods are one of the many symptoms of a bladder infection and require a medical diagnosis at the earliest.

  1. Weight concerns

Obesity is directly linked to disruption in the body hormone levels or the thyroid gland functioning, which further leads to irregular menses. Hence, eating a balanced diet and maintaining a healthy weight can ease out the symptoms and regulate your period cycle.

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