Monday 25 September 2023

“Why Is Your Period Late?”

 Exploring Causes and Early Pregnancy Abortion

A late or missed period can be a cause for concern and often leads to a whirlwind of emotions and questions. While there can be various reasons for a delayed period, one of the most common concerns is pregnancy. In this blog, we will explore the various reasons why your period might be late and delve into the topic of early pregnancy abortion. For those in need of guidance and support, we will introduce Vardaan Hospital as the best choice for pregnancy-related healthcare.

Reasons for a Late Period

1. Pregnancy:

   - Main Culprit: Pregnancy is the primary reason behind a missed period or period not coming. If you've had unprotected intercourse, even once, it's crucial to consider the possibility of pregnancy.

   - Symptoms: Early signs of pregnancy include breast tenderness, fatigue, increased urination, and nausea.

   - Testing: Home pregnancy tests are widely available and can provide accurate results as early as the first day of your missed period.

2. Stress and Anxiety:

   - Impact on Hormones: High levels of stress and anxiety can disrupt your hormonal balance, leading to delayed ovulation and subsequently, a late period.

   - Management: Practicing stress-reduction techniques like yoga, meditation, or therapy can help regulate your menstrual cycle.

3. Weight Fluctuations:

   - Effects on Hormones: Significant weight loss or gain can affect your hormone levels, leading to irregular periods or missed cycles.

   - Healthy Lifestyle: Maintaining a balanced diet and regular exercise can help stabilize your weight and menstrual cycle.

4. Hormonal Birth Control:

   - Adjustment Period: Starting, stopping, or changing hormonal birth control methods can cause irregular bleeding patterns for a few months.

   - Consult Your Doctor: If the irregularity persists beyond the adjustment period, consult your healthcare provider for alternative options.

5. Medical Conditions:

   - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): PCOS is a common condition that can lead to irregular periods. It often involves symptoms like acne, excessive hair growth, and weight gain.

   - Thyroid Disorders: An underactive or overactive thyroid can disrupt your menstrual cycle.

   - Consult a Specialist: If you suspect any underlying medical condition, seek medical advice for diagnosis and management.

Understanding Early Pregnancy Abortion

If a late period and a positive pregnancy test indicate an unplanned pregnancy and you wish to explore your options, early pregnancy abortion might be a consideration. Early pregnancy abortion, also known as medical abortion, offers a safe and non-invasive way to terminate a pregnancy in its early stages (typically up to 10 weeks gestation). The process involves the use of medications prescribed by a healthcare provider.

The Process:

1. Mifepristone: This medication is administered under medical supervision and works by blocking the hormone progesterone, which is necessary for the pregnancy to continue.

2. Misoprostol: Usually taken 24 to 48 hours later at home, this medication induces contractions, leading to the expulsion of the pregnancy, which is similar to a miscarriage.

Why Choose Early Pregnancy Abortion:

- Privacy: The process can be done in the comfort and privacy of your home.

- Non-surgical: Unlike surgical abortion, it does not involve invasive procedures.

- Effective: When used as directed, early pregnancy abortion is highly effective, with a success rate of over 95%.

Vardaan Hospital: Your Partner in Pregnancy-Related Healthcare

When it comes to making decisions about pregnancy, having a supportive and trusted healthcare provider by your side is crucial. Vardaan Hospital, a leading healthcare facility known for its excellence in pregnancy-related care and medical abortion in India, is your best choice.

Why Choose Vardaan Hospital:

1. Expertise: Vardaan Hospital boasts a team of experienced obstetricians, gynecologists, and healthcare providers who specialize in providing comprehensive pregnancy care.

2. Compassion: The healthcare professionals at Vardaan Hospital understand the emotional and physical challenges that come with pregnancy and abortion. They provide compassionate support throughout your journey.

3. Privacy and Comfort: Your comfort and privacy are a priority at Vardaan Hospital. They ensure that you receive the care you need in a confidential and respectful environment.

4. Comprehensive Services: Whether you are considering early pregnancy abortion or need prenatal care, Vardaan Hospital offers a wide range of services to cater to your needs.


A late period can be a source of anxiety, especially if pregnancy is a concern. It's essential to explore the various reasons behind a late period and seek guidance from a healthcare provider when necessary. If early pregnancy abortion is a choice you are considering, remember that it should always be conducted under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Vardaan Hospital stands as a beacon of support and care for individuals facing pregnancy-related decisions. Their commitment to excellence, compassion, and privacy makes them the best choice for your pregnancy healthcare needs. Reach out to Vardaan Hospital, the best hospital for pregnancy in Delhi today to receive the guidance and care you deserve during this critical time in your life.

Monday 26 June 2023

Painless Normal Delivery in India: A Comprehensive Guide to Pregnancy Treatment

Pregnancy and childbirth are profound experiences in a woman's life, and many expectant mothers in India aspire to have a normal delivery. The desire for a painless normal delivery has gained significant attention in recent years. This blog aims to provide a comprehensive guide to painless normal delivery as a part of pregnancy treatment in India, covering various aspects and painless delivery cost and options available to expectant mothers.

Understanding Painless Normal Delivery

Painless normal delivery in India, also known as epidural analgesia, is a method used to manage labor pain during childbirth. It involves administering medication through a tiny catheter placed in the lower back, which provides continuous pain relief while allowing the mother to remain fully conscious and participate in the birthing process.

Benefits of Painless Normal Delivery

1. Reduced pain: The primary advantage of painless normal delivery is effective pain management during labor, allowing the expectant mother to experience a more comfortable birthing process.

2. Improved relaxation: Pain relief promotes relaxation, which helps the mother conserve energy and focus on the delivery process.

3. Better control over pushing: With pain relief, the mother can have better control over pushing during contractions, potentially reducing the risk of perineal tears.

4. Increased satisfaction: Mothers who opt for painless normal delivery often report higher levels of satisfaction with their childbirth experience.

Availability and Procedure in India

Painless normal delivery in India is increasingly available, particularly in well-equipped hospitals and birthing centers. The procedure involves the following steps:

1. Consultation and decision-making: During prenatal care, discuss your desire for painless normal delivery with your healthcare provider. They will assess your medical history, examine your overall health, and determine if you are a suitable candidate for this option.

2. Anesthesia administration: Once you are in labor and have reached the appropriate stage, an anesthesiologist will administer the epidural anesthesia. The medication takes effect within 10-20 minutes, providing pain relief while allowing you to stay actively involved in the birthing process.

3. Continuous monitoring: Throughout labor and delivery, healthcare professionals will monitor your progress, ensuring the well-being of both mother and baby. They will also adjust the medication dosage as needed to maintain pain relief.

4. Delivery and postpartum care: Once you are fully dilated and ready to deliver, the epidural anesthesia may be temporarily reduced or stopped to facilitate pushing. After the birth, the anesthesia will wear off gradually, and you will receive postpartum care to promote recovery.

Considerations and Alternatives

1. Risks and side effects: While painless normal delivery is generally safe, there are potential risks and side effects associated with epidural anesthesia, such as a drop in blood pressure, headache, or backache. It is important to discuss these risks with your healthcare provider and make an informed decision.

2. Individual preferences and circumstances: Each woman's childbirth journey is unique, and it is important to consider your personal preferences, medical history, and the recommendations of your healthcare provider when deciding on pain management during labor.

3. Non-pharmacological pain relief: If you prefer to explore non-pharmacological pain relief methods, various techniques such as breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, water immersion, and labor support from a doula can be considered.


Painless normal delivery through epidural analgesia is an increasingly popular option for expectant mothers in India seeking a more comfortable birthing experience. With proper medical guidance and support, this method can provide effective pain relief during labor while allowing active participation in the delivery process. However, it is important to have open discussions with healthcare providers, consider individual circumstances, and explore alternative pain management options to make an informed decision that best suits your needs and preferences. Book an appointment or visit Vardaan Hospital to get consultation for Pregnancy Treatment in Delhi.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Medical Abortion: Understanding the Choices


When faced with an unintended pregnancy, individuals have the option to choose from different methods of abortion. One such method is medical abortion, which involves the use of medications to terminate the pregnancy. While medical abortion has its advantages and can offer a safe and private option, it also carries certain disadvantages and considerations. In this blog, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of medical abortion, allowing individuals to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.

Advantages of Medical Abortion

1. Non-invasive and Private: Medical pregnancy abortion offers a non-surgical and non-invasive option for terminating a pregnancy. It involves taking medication under the supervision of a healthcare provider and can often be done in the comfort of one's own home. This privacy can be particularly important for individuals who prefer to keep their decision confidential or who may feel more comfortable in familiar surroundings.

2. Early Intervention: Medical abortion is most effective in the early stages of pregnancy, typically within the first ten weeks. By initiating the process early, individuals have the opportunity to address the situation promptly and avoid the need for more invasive procedures. Additionally, early intervention often leads to shorter recovery times.

3. Avoiding Surgical Procedures: For individuals who have a fear of surgical procedures or who have medical conditions that make surgery risky, medical abortion provides an alternative. It eliminates the need for anesthesia, incisions, and instruments used in surgical abortions, potentially reducing the associated anxiety and discomfort.

4. Emotional Control: Some individuals find that medical abortion allows them to have more control over their emotions during the termination process. Being in a familiar environment, surrounded by loved ones, can provide emotional support and comfort during a difficult time.

Disadvantages of Medical Abortion

1. Longer Process and Uncertainty: Compared to surgical abortion, the process of medical abortion can take longer. It typically involves multiple visits to a healthcare provider and several days of bleeding and cramping as the pregnancy is expelled. The uncertainty and duration of the process may be challenging for individuals who desire a quicker resolution.

2. Incomplete Abortion: While medical abortion is highly effective, there is a slight chance of an incomplete abortion. In such cases, a surgical procedure may be necessary to complete the termination. This can result in additional emotional and physical stress for the individual.

3. Side Effects: The medications used in the medical termination of pregnancy can cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and abdominal pain. Although these side effects are generally temporary and manageable, they can still be uncomfortable for some individuals.

4. Lack of Immediate Medical Supervision: Unlike surgical abortion, medical abortion does not involve direct medical intervention during the procedure. While healthcare providers will provide instructions and guidance, individuals may feel anxious or concerned about the absence of immediate medical supervision during the process.


It is crucial to consult a healthcare provider to understand individual choices and preferences and what suits best for an individual. While there are some cases where the patient might find a medical abortion pill to be the safer choice but according to their medical details and conditions they would need a more extensive method for termination of pregnancy like surgical abortion. By understanding the advantages and disadvantages of medical termination of pregnancy an individual can make informed choices and take the right decision based on their medical condition. The decision to undergo an abortion is deeply personal and should be made after careful consideration. It offers a non-invasive and private option, early intervention, and emotional control. However, it also entails a longer process, the possibility of an incomplete abortion, side effects, and the absence of immediate medical supervision. Consult the best gynecologist Dr. Rekha Khandelwal in Delhi at Vardaan Hospital for more details. 

Tuesday 14 February 2023

Prepare for Your Pregnancy under guidance of Child Specialist in Delhi

Pregnancy is a significant milestone in a woman's life. With modern medical knowledge, it is now possible to make wise decisions about your and your partner's health and lifestyle before planning a pregnancy, which will ultimately affect the outcome of your pregnancy. Sitting down with your doctor to discuss your health, diet, and environment can help you make necessary changes.

Some of the factors that influence both the mother and the baby are as follows:


In theory, a woman's reproductive age ranges from 15 to 45 years. However, becoming pregnant at the extremes of this range can have serious consequences for both the mother and the child. Young women are not fully prepared for a baby, both physically and emotionally so they must consult a Child Specialist in Delhi for a healthy child. Teenage pregnancies can have serious consequences, especially for the mother.

Pregnancies in women over the age of 35, on the other hand, are associated with an increased incidence of congenital abnormalities in babies, such as Down syndrome.

Medical Issues

The health of a woman during her pregnancy is a major factor in determining the outcome of her pregnancy. It is important to have good health as a healthy woman will give birth to a healthier child. Most diseases can be easily cured or controlled with modern medicine. A pre-pregnancy check-up may assist you in identifying any diseases you may have. Getting these issues under control before planning a pregnancy will help you have a trouble-free pregnancy.

Here are a few issues that can harm you and your baby:

  • Anemia

  • Diabetes

  • Hypertension

  • High or low blood pressure

Most medications taken during pregnancy can cross over to the baby and harm it. As a result, before taking any medication during pregnancy, you should always consult your doctor. Get assistance from the best child specialist hospital in Delhi, Vardaan Hospital. 

Vaccinations and Infections

The mother is more susceptible to infections during pregnancy. These infections can harm both the baby and the mother. Some infections can lead to serious birth defects or illnesses in the baby.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, and HIV are particularly dangerous. They can not only impair your ability to become pregnant, but they can also infect and harm your child.

Before planning your pregnancy, consult your doctor to see if you require any vaccinations, particularly rubella (German measles). During your pregnancy, your doctor may also advise you to get a tetanus shot.

Pregnancies in the Past

Your previous obstetric history could have an impact on your current pregnancy. If you have had a miscarriage or a previous baby with a birth defect, your doctor may recommend studies to determine the cause before planning your next pregnancy.

Family Tree

Hereditary diseases, though uncommon, are a major cause of preventable disability and death. These diseases run in families, and if one of your family members has one of these diseases, genetic counseling and testing can help prevent it in your child. A child can contract such a disease from either her father or mother. Before you start planning your pregnancy, your doctor may advise you and your partner to have some tests done to see if either of you has such a disease.

Among these diseases are:

  • Hemophilia

  • Cystic Fibrosis

  • Sickle Cell Disease

  • Tay-Sachs Disease

  • Thalassemia

So, if you, your partner, or someone in your family has a history of such a disease, be sure to tell your doctor.

Nutrition and Lifestyle

Before considering a pregnancy, you may need to make some lifestyle changes. Consider the following:

  • Stress

  • Proper Diet

  • Tobacco, alcohol

  • Illegal drugs

Visit Vardaan and get more information on pre and post pregnancy with the best child specialist in Delhi.

Saturday 21 January 2023

Services for Legal and Safe Abortions in India

 There are many considerations to keep in mind when searching for the finest clinic to perform abortions. The safety of the surgery and any potential side effects for you are the key concerns. The entire process will be carried out safely and according to schedule with the aid of knowledgeable medical professionals. Abortion Center Vardaan is very concerned about your personal safety. Only the greatest professionals are allowed to do the surgery because of this. This is an excellent technique to make sure everything is proceeding without any problems of any kind.

Counseling will be done as the first and most important step. This is done to inform you of both what you plan to do and how the process works. With the aim of making sure you are fully informed of what you are exposing yourself to, this information or counseling will help you get ready for the treatment well in advance in the abortion hospital in India

The best and safe abortion services are provided by the highly accredited Vardaan Hospital. It offers generally speaking ladies superior medical treatments at reasonable prices. All abortion operations are carried out by licensed medical professionals who have received specialized training or preparation for this type of treatment. They are the finest people to entrust with the procedure because of their extensive expertise of abortion medication.

Simply to make sure that your personal health is well protected. The clinic complies with legal requirements, employs the highest standards for sterilizations, and only makes use of the best tools while performing one month pregnancy abortion or even pregnancy abortion up to twenty weeks. Additionally, you will value the constant atmosphere of confidentiality, care, and assistance.

Anesthesia is used for this surgical operation to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible during. Being one of the best hospitals of abortions and the greatest women's healthcare services is the goal of Vardaan Abortion Center. Vardaan operates within the bounds of the law and abides by all established rules to make sure everything is in order. Additionally, doctors are very discreet and make sure that the patient contacts are entirely satisfied with the secrecy of all the treatments they have performed.

Dealing with an unintended pregnancy is a highly delicate issue. The pain a woman has when having a one month abortion or even weeks later and dealing with an unintended pregnancy is both physical and psychological. In nations like India, where women are intimidated by taboos and societal constraints, this issue is made worse. The woman is unable to seek immediate assistance due to these taboos. The woman is unable to seek medical assistance due to these false beliefs . She does not want to tell her spouse, a friend, or a member of her family about her issue. Some women or couples may also turn to unlawful pregnancy termination methods, which can result in issues like infection and even endanger a woman's life.

Abortion is legal in India under certain restrictions. Women are influenced to choose less safe and hazardous abortion methods by misinformation and a fear of social rejection. These procedures have a serious negative impact on the patient's health and can result in lifetime consequences.

When a woman gets to know the reasons for no period during the month of pregnancy and this turns out to be an unplanned pregnancy then the most secure method of ending an unwanted pregnancy is a clinical abortion. Only secure abortion clinics with qualified specialists on staff should do it.

The safest abortion facility in Delhi is Vardaan Hospital. Back in 1972, the MTP Act was passed. This was done to safeguard the woman's right to an abortion and to ensure that licensed medical professionals carried it out. Abortion is still heavily contested and fraught with stigma in India, even after the MTP Act was implemented. Even though the nearly 50-year-old statute is among the most permissive in the world, there are still some misconceptions in it.

So don't hesitate to visit a good gynecologist to get consultation and get a legal way of termination of pregnancy procedure done at the Vardaan Hospital.

Tuesday 10 January 2023

6 factors behind missed period

 1.Your contraceptive pills

Periods that are later can be a result of hormonal birth control. For instance, Depo-Provera injections and intrauterine devices (IUDs) might result in irregular or "late" periods. You will also miss the time you would normally bleed if you skip the inactive pills if you use birth control.

Although it's a common misconception that birth control pills "manage" your cycle, the bleeding that occurs during the week that the pills are inactive is actually withdrawal bleeding, not a period. Because hormonal birth control  techniques, such as the pills for medical abortion, effectively interfere with your body's normal hormonal cycle.

The uterine lining maintains its stability when you continue taking the active pills for longer than the recommended 21 days. This means that neither you nor the uterine lining will shed.

Hormone levels fall after taking the inactive tablet, which starts menstruation. Given that it is caused by medicine rather than natural processes, it is not a period in the sense that you would associate it with someone who is not using birth control."

Although no method of birth control is 100% efficient in preventing pregnancy, you could have missed abortion so you might want to take a pregnancy test just in case you don't get your period when you should.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Periods may be delayed in those with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). That's because PCOS patients frequently have extra follicles, which prolongs the menstrual period.

Each ovary produces approximately five follicles during a regular menstrual cycle. These follicles compete to be the one that delivers a mature egg at ovulation, the dominant follicle. If you have PCOS, your egg could not release right away. No period results from an unreleased egg.

Weight gain and elevated testosterone levels, which can result in dense hair growth on the face and breasts, are two additional prevalent PCOS symptoms. But even in the absence of these signs, PCOS cannot be ruled out as one of the reasons for late periods.


The area of the brain that controls the pituitary gland, which governs the chemicals that activate our ovaries, can be affected by emotional anguish. Stress can therefore occasionally result in a late period.

However, it's crucial to remember that everyone feels stress differently, making its impact on the menstrual cycle very debatable. One person's period may be affected by circumstances such as moving across the nation or tackling a difficult job project, but another person may not be impacted by the same circumstances.

Changes in Weight

Another factor for delayed periods can be weight loss or gain. Extreme weight loss can stop the hypothalamus's ability to produce the hormones that control the ovaries, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH).

Putting on weight can have a similar impact, especially when it's connected to diseases like PCOS. PCOS sufferers could be especially sensitive to changes in weight. Even a 10% weight loss can help someone get back into their regular cycle after suffering irregularity. And the same amount of weight increase can result in delayed or missed periods.


Menopause, or perimenopause, occurs before menopause, which is experienced by the woman at the age of 40-50 . Some people experience delayed menstrual cycles during this time, which typically begins in your 40s. Menstrual cycles might last 36 or 48 days on average, rather than the typical 28 days. You could be going through menopause soon or having premature ovarian failure, If your period entirely stops and you're under 45.


Pregnancy is often a reason for late periods. To determine whether you are pregnant or not, one can perform a test at home or get tested clinically. Specific signs and symptoms of pregnancy include- nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning, craving for food, Breast swelling; these are the most common cause of delayed periostitis and can occur at any age.

Wednesday 4 January 2023

6 myths about abortion clinic busted

If you are willing to terminate your pregnancy due to some reasons  and are looking for a good private abortion clinic near me on the internet. But you feel that abortion in clinics is unsafe or illegal. You are searching for terms like,”find abortion clinic near me” but are also scared of getting abortion in a clinic due to the myths you have heard or seen on the internet. You can find good abortion hospitals with lady gynecologists while you search for lady gynecologists near me. Hospitals  like Vardaan hospital in Delhi, is a renowned hospital with a proficient lady gynecologist, Dr. Rekha Khandelwal for abortion. 

There are lots of myths related to pregnancy abortion floating on the internet. Let us bust all these myths about private abortion clinics, so you search for the right abortion clinic near me and can choose to have a safe abortion.

Following are the most common myths about abortion and abortion clinics :

  1. SURGICAL Abortion leads to infertility

  2. Abortion is illegal

  3. under age abortion cant be practiced

  4. Abortion can’t be done without consent

  5. Abortion can’t be done after a month’s time

  6. MTP is unsafe

Let us dive into these :

  1. Surgical abortion leads to infertility 

This is a big misconception, everyone would have heard this at some point of life but in reality this is far from the actual truth. 

Abortion at a clinical center under a specialized doctor means that one is undergoing induced abortion. There are two kinds of induced abortions:

  • Medical Termination Of Pregnancy 

  • Surgical Termination Of Pregnancy

Either way of termination of pregnancy when taken under proper guidance of a gynecologist and done in a specialized hospital does not lead to infertility or doesn’t lower the chances of a woman's fertility.

  1. Abortion is illegal

A lot of people are scared of abortion because they think that abortion is illegal. But this is not true.  MTP- Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act came into existence in 1971 which declares that abortion is legal in India under varied circumstances. There are strict rules that are to be followed to terminate a pregnancy. Amendments have been made to legalize abortion under cases like rape, minors, women with problems in foetuses or with some mental or physical disabilities. 

  1. Abortion can not be done without consent.

If women think that they require the consent of their husband, parents or family before terminating their pregnancy then this is a partial truth. The complete truth is that women over the age of 18 years can get their abortion in any  done without any consent from family. A woman over 18 years of age can give her written consent for abortion. But girls below 18;minors require consent of elder family member.

  1. Abortion can’t be done after one month of pregnancy

This is another myth floating around that a woman cannot terminate her pregnancy after completion of 4 weeks from the date her periods missed. Medical abortion can be performed till 6 weeks of pregnancy and surgical abortions were allowed till 20 weeks but now amendments have been made and abortion is legal till 24 weeks of gestation by  gynecologist doctors near me.

  1. MTP is unsafe

People have assumed that MTP is unsafe. Medical termination of Pregnancy is when pregnancy is terminated using medicines or gynecologists recommend some medical treatment. This is a very safe procedure for pregnancy termination under 6 weeks time. MTP must be done only after proper assistance of gynecologists,doctors near me.

  1. Abortion under 18 years cannot be practiced.

Under various circumstances abortion is legal under the age of 18. There are various reasons for girls’ pregnancy under 18 cases of rape or unwanted pregnancy. Abortion can be performed with consent of some major member of family under the guidance of a lady gynecologist near me.