Wednesday, 23 February 2022

Post–Abortion Care for women

The proper amount of self-care is very significant for the well-being of the physical and mental health of a woman after an abortion. When an abortion is performed by a medical professional, though it is considered a safe procedure but it carries a few risks. People should, nonetheless, be aware of what to expect afterwards as far as the mental and physical health of the patient is considered.

What can you expect after an abortion?

There are various types of methods of Abortion in India. A medical professional usually recommends the appropriate method after considering the medical needs of the person and the stage of pregnancy the patient is at. 

These methods are:

  • Vacuum Aspiration

  • dilation and evacuation (D&E)

  • Abortion pill

After the abortion is performed using any of the above-mentioned procedures, the monthly periods can be expected to return in around four to eight weeks. However, many women can still experience irregular spotting or bleeding soon after the abortion. Some women experience strong waves of emotions and changes in moods in the days and sometimes weeks that follow an abortion. This can be attributed to the sudden change in hormones or the termination of the pregnancy.

Having an abortion is an emotionally challenging experience for a lot of women. People at such hard times should seek comfort and support from close friends and family members after an abortion. 

As far as getting pregnant again is concerned, the woman can get pregnant as soon as she starts ovulating after the abortion. This can happen before the first period soon after the abortion. It is also important to use contraception to avoid getting pregnant after the abortion. 

Symptoms one can experience after an abortion

Women are expected to experience some common symptoms regardless of the type of method they use for aborting their pregnancy. These symptoms can be aggravated if the abortion is done much later in pregnancy. Some of these symptoms are light vaginal bleeding or spotting, pain and cramps, and painful or swollen breasts. 

Care after an abortion

According to the leading gynaecologist, providing the best abortion in India, days that follow abortion are very sensitive for women and thus require a lot of attention and care. 

Physical Care

After an abortion, pain from cramps which are quite similar to menstrual cramps is common. People should seek help from close family members and friends to take them home after the procedure. It is also advised to take the following few days off work to make sure they get plenty of rest after an abortion. Doctors also recommend not doing any physically or emotionally difficult activities. 

After an abortion, the cervix takes some time to close which often leaves the person at an increased risk for further infection. To prevent any infection post-abortion, women should avoid the following things for at least 2 weeks after an abortion:

  • Using any tampons

  • Having penetrative sex

  • Inserting anything into the vagina

  • Using swimming pools

Although the procedure of abortion is relatively small, the body might take several days or in some cases weeks as well. To provide some relief to the body, the following things can be tried:

  • Massaging of the stomach along with the lower back

  • Using a heat-pack

  • Taking some pain relievers including ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol)

  • Following up with appointments to the doctor

Emotional Care needed Post-abortion

Choosing to have an abortion is not an easy decision and it is one of the most emotionally challenging experiences of a woman’s life. 

Hormonal changes usually aggravate this procedure which can lead to mood swings after the procedure. The progesterone and estrogen levels of a person eventually decrease and can lead to low moods and frequent changes in one’s mood. But as time goes on, with the return of the menstrual cycle, the hormone levels start stabilising. 

Some people experience emotions to an extreme level and these should not be ignored. A link has been known between abortion and high rates of abortion, anxiety, multiple sleep disorders amongst other mental health conditions. People who have a history of mental health disorders are more vulnerable to the increased risks of these effects.

To treat mental health with the utmost care, people should take time off work and spend quality time with their friends and family and should contact the neurologist if they experience any mental health difficulties. 

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