In India, there are around 15 million abortions taking place every year. The cause of abortions is no longer only unwanted or accidental pregnancy. In the fast-paced world, the health of a woman has become a major cause of concern for medical specialists. The current lifestyle, dietary habits, and biological factors have become a leading cause of Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP). Abortion in India has been made legal since 1971 under special circumstances. It is advisable to seek medical advice as it will help guide the expecting woman with post-abortion health issues.
Pregnancy is a time (gestation period) during which one or more than one fetus develops inside a woman's uterus. If the pregnancy is terminated voluntarily under the guidance of a health worker, it is known as induced abortion. Abortion in India has been legalized since 1971 under certain conditions till the 24th week of gestation period. Abortion done under the guidance of health workers is the safest option to terminate the pregnancy. However, a staggering number of abortion cases end up being done in an unsafe and illegal way. There are WHO-guided methods for abortion that can be induced to ensure the health of women folks after the MTP.
Below-mentioned is some of the common techniques and procedures that are used for the termination of pregnancy.
Manual Vacuum Aspiration
MVA is a quite safe and effective procedure for medical termination of pregnancy. The method employs the use of a hand-held plastic aspirator that works to clear out the contents of the uterus. It does not involve major blood loss and long hospital stay, however, the method is only recommended for early termination of pregnancy.
Electric Vacuum Aspirator (EVA)
It is similar to MVA, except that EVA employs the usage of an electric pump to clear out the contents of the uterus.
Medical Operation
It is one of the safest and non-invasive methods of pregnancy termination that is highly preferred by women folks. The method use drugs to induce abortion within the body and expel uterus contents out. In India, mifepristone and misoprostol are two drugs that are being used for MTP. This method is the best abortion in India.
Dilation and Curettage (D&C)
This is an invasive method that employs the use of anaesthetics and metal curettage to expel the contents of the uterus. The method has a high risk of causing haemorrhage or uterine infection post-operation. But if the procedure is performed under proper medical supervision or guidance then such complications and risks can be prevented easily.
A woman's health lies in her hand and unsafe abortion is one of the leading causes of early maternal deaths in the country. It is advisable to seek the safest and best abortion in India.