Monday, 27 July 2020

Missed Periods: An Important Aspect of the Female Body

The female body is made in such a way that it undergoes menstruation cycles every 25-28 days. Every 28 days, the lining of the uterus wall becomes thick and prepares itself for the fertilized eggs. If the egg does not get fertilized then the lining is discharged from the body in the form of blood through the vagina.

Now if this cycle is disturbed then you will be missing your periods without any absolute reason such as pregnancy, menopause, etc and there is a possibility that there is some problem within the system. Which may cause some really serious future problems.

Missed periods are normal in the initial months of adolescence. It is important to consult a medical professional if you are having irregular periods many times before the condition gets worse. 

Missed periods are based on many grounds, discussed below in details-

PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome)

PCOS is common among women of reproductive age. The main reason behind PCOS is the excess of androgen (male hormones) in the body. In short polycystic ovary syndrome is caused due to hormone imbalance in the body.

The indications of PCOS are usually developed during the initial stages of adolescence ( starting of menstrual cycles). PCOS is the most common reason for late periods. It is important to take the help of a medical professional as soon as you observe the symptoms. The individual may experience the following as symptoms of PCOS.

  • Irregular periods: may have painful and periods for prolonged times.
  • Excess androgen: results in male signs such as male pattern baldness, severe acne, excess facial hairs
  • Polycystic ovaries: enlarged ovaries and fail to function better

A team of experienced medical personals at Vardaan hospital offers high-class facility treatment in PCOS.

Abortion and missed periods

Your body may take time to come back to the normal position after abortion. It can be one of the reasons for the late periods. Previous abortions might be a reason for late periods. Cramping and spotting are normal after abortion. It may take 8- 10 weeks for completely normal periods.


Menopause may be one of the reasons for the late periods. You might experience missed periods, scanty periods, virginal dryness, and occasionally heavy bleeding. It is completely normal to experience missed periods in both menopause and pregnancy. One may need 

  • Gynaecological checkup
  • Nutritional guidance
  • Phycological counselling 
  • If examined late periods due to menopause


Late and irregular periods indicate a certain hormonal imbalance in the body. A woman may face problems in conceiving due to irregular periods. It is best to take professional help to take fertility drugs you might need. We provide complete services at vardaan hospital. Guidance from the very beginning for lifestyle changes (to conceive for better results) to the painless labour. 


Thyroid hormone imbalance in the body can be another reason for late periods. The overactive thyroid gland is called hyperthyroidism. This can cause late periods for several months known as amenorrhea. 

It is best to seek professional help once you get irregular periods before it may convert into anything serious for the future.

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