Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Consult to have a Safe and Legal Abortion in India

Safety is one of the main concern of every woman who decides to go for an abortion. At Vardaan Hospital, our support staff and physicians we take a complete responsibility about the security of all patients regardless of their geographic location, marital status, caste, and religion. We deliver quality healthcare services in the field of abortion and pregnancy treatment.

In order to have a safe and legal abortion in India, Vardaan Hospital is the best possible option. Following the laws of termination, we permit legal abortion up to 20 weeks of gestation performing the two effective methods:

  • Medical abortion: Up to 9 weeks of pregnancy
  • Surgical abortion: Aspiration process is performed up to 14 weeks of gestation while dilation & evacuation (D&E) is conducted up to 16 weeks or more.
We recommend procedures depending on the health condition, pregnancy stage and medical history of a patient. Before suggesting a procedure we perform ultrasound tests to determine the stage of pregnancy. In the case of oral medication, after prescribing abortion pills and antibiotics, a patient is allowed to consume the medicines at home under the supervision of a doctor.

Whereas surgical abortion just takes about 15 to 20 minutes. When it ends, a patient is advised to stay at the hospital for a couple of hours to get recovered from anaesthesia. You can also take a trusted person with you and he/she is allowed to stay at the clinic throughout the procedure.

In an additional, we provide counselling sessions related to nutritious diet, exercise routine and preventive measures to follow when we've done with the whole treatment to protect your body against infection. You can trust us completely as we keep your personal information confidential.

Book an appointment with an expert gynaecologist and obstetrician now.

Monday, 14 January 2019

Consult Vardaan Hospital for the Best Pregnancy Treatment in Delhi

An unwanted pregnancy can occur at any age whether you’re an adult or a teen. But the cases of teenage pregnancies is required to be tackled with better understanding otherwise it can make a profound impact on their lives. Due to lack of knowledge and support, teens mainly undergoes a lot of psychological issues.
Provide Strength to Deal with Pregnancy in Teenage
At Vardaan Hospital, we help your child to comprehend the alternative, make an ideal choice and get prepare for further challenges. Since 1995, we’re truly dedicated to providing expected emotional support along with quality health care services to every teen regardless of their geographical location, religion, age and caste. Vardaan Hospital is a renowned clinic for women where you can get high-quality pregnancy treatment in Delhi.

Ask for the Right Support
With the rise of unplanned pregnancy in teenagers, our department steps forward to a multidisciplinary approach to educate teens throughout their pregnancy. We also conduct a medical examination, nutritional counselling, parenting and complete guidance to find the best possible way to deal with your early pregnancy stage. We provide genuine care, love and assistance to your child.
Discuss the Possible Ways
  • To raise a child with a proper family planning.
  • Give the baby up for adoption.
  • Terminate the pregnancy.

Encourages Proper Prenatal Care
Regular prenatal visits: During pregnancy, regular visits can help teens to keep a check on the health of both mother and her baby.
Eat a nutritious diet: A teens need the right amount of folic acid, calcium, iron and other essential vitamins to deal with childbirth.
Be physically active: A regular physical activity always keeps your energy level up. We ensure to advice specific exercise to perform in these stages.
Avoid alcohol and drug consumption: Teens are not suggested to consume any kind of drugs and alcohol can cause severe harm to their health.
Maintain a balance between work and personal life: We help teens to get the right education and makes simpler for them to manage their daily routine and work together.
Book an appointment with the best gynaecologist and obstetrician to help your daughter in a tough phase.

Friday, 4 January 2019

Everything You Need To Find Out Before Getting an Abortion


Abortion is the safest way to terminate the pregnancy. In the 21st century, most of the women live on their own terms and doesn’t want to give birth to the child due to some personal reasons. If you want to get rid of your unwanted or unplanned pregnancy, abortion is an ideal choice.

How to end up to 9 weeks of pregnancy?

Medical abortion is an effective process to abort up to 9 weeks of gestation. Abortion pills called misoprostol and mifepristone is commonly used to stop the production of the baby in a female body. Medically, it is advised to go for the treatment as earlier as you can because it causes fewer complications.

What to do if your 9 weeks deadline has passed?

Firstly, don't panic. There is no reason to worry. You can still abort a child after 9 weeks by surgical abortion in India. In this procedure, a doctor gently removes the tissues of your uterus and can be done within 12 to 14 weeks from your last menstrual period.

You can go for aspiration abortion from 14 to 16 weeks of a gestational period while dilation & evacuation is typically performed at 16 weeks of after. It just takes about 15 to 20 minutes.

Is it legal in India?

Yes, abortions are legal in India. Under the framework of the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, 1971, women can terminate her childbirth up to 20 weeks of gestation.

Is it possible to have an abortion in India if you’re unmarried?

Yes, whether you’re married and unmarried, you can have an abortion in India. The terms and conditions will apply according to your age. If you’re minor (below 18 years), you will require the consent of your parent or guardian. Please don’t hesitate to tell your parents about your pregnancy as soon as possible otherwise it might be riskier for your health.

If you’re an adult (above 18 years), then you don’t require the consent of your parent, guardian or partner as you’re mature enough to take your own decisions.

Where to get help?

Get the right support and treatment from Vardaan Hospital. It is a multi-specialist venture where patients get the same quality of services regardless of their religion, region and caste. The best part is the department do not disclose the patient's personal information to any third party.